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INDUSTRY: Employment and Training


With Sureway’s previous Crimtrac provider, it was reported that their criminal history screening system did not fully support the organisation’s needs and as such Sureway was spending too much time administering police checks, instead of focusing on their own core services. Unfortunately, the previous provider was less than willing to be flexible to make the process more streamlined and efficient with their own systems. Some of the challenges Sureway faced were as follows:

  • Matching job seekers IDs with correct expenses was tedious and time consuming – no text field accommodated for this
  • There were a large number of duplicate checks being entered, without a duplicate detection function picking these up
  • Users also reported that their portal was not straightforward, and staff were reluctant to get in to lodge checks
  • No alerts or notifications were provided when police checks were delayed, making it difficult to manage the allocation of activities for job seekers
  • Having over 70 staff across sites, employees in the organisation were hanging back not knowing whether it was worth transitioning to a new system or not


Sureway approached InterCheck to find a better solution and soon discovered that our system was a lot more user-friendly and that the customised features, could save a significant amount of time. This is how InterCheck stepped in to help:

  • Added custom fields (Job Seeker ID numbers) into the application form itself, so that matching job seekers’ corresponding purchase orders could be completed faster
  • The existing lookup feature meant that no duplicates were being entered twice
  • Training videos were built within the portal with it being a user-friendly system which supported transitioning to new technology
  • Customisation of invoices helped to make internal systems efficient


  • Sureway have saved approximately $2,000 within 6 months alone owing to less duplicates being submitted and less administration hours being spent trying to match job seekers to the purchase orders
  • Utilising InterCheck’s lookup tool to check for duplicates has virtually eliminated double entries being submitted, avoiding write offs being charged to Sureway
  • The onboarding of approximately 70 Sureway staff members was easy and seamless
  • Sureway can quickly match corresponding expenses due to the custom job seeker ID fields, saving approximately 1 day each month for their accounts team
  • InterCheck’s real-time email alerts have helped Sureway to re-allocate job seekers into alternative activities straight away, avoiding the job seeker being in limbo and without work for 2 weeks


“InterCheck actually listened to us and they have made accommodations on the actual application itself making our jobs a lot easier.”

Nicole Weeden – Account team member